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Howto encrypt your filesystemsby xiando (DrEvil) A loopback device is a quick nice way to make a encrypted filesystem. If you have compiled loopback and cryptoloop support as a module, you need to load these first: modprobe loop;modprobe cryptoloop;modprobe cipher-aes Basically you run: losetup -e aes /dev/loop0 /dev/partition You will be asked for a password. Then mkfs -t ext3 /dev/loop0 mount /dev/loop0 /path/to/mount thanks to <|DrEvil|> alternatively, you can use a file instead of a whole partition: dd if=/dev/zero of=/file bs=1k count=100 losetup -e aes /dev/loop0 /file mkfs -t ext3 /dev/loop0 mount /dev/loop0 /path/to/mount rate this article:current rating: average rating: 1.5 (36 votes) (1=very good 6=terrible) Your rating: back